I just ride the life n striving for the best...!

I just ride the life n striving for the best...!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Rini agk bz..xsmpt nk update blog..tp byk je citer sbnrnye...
baru pas settle report...haishhh~..mcm2 hal keje...hopefully siapla work scope ni dlm mgu nih..

td gi mkn restoran thai!fuhh...comey bangat awek dye...hihi...xleh tdo lena la mlmni...hahahaahha
nape org thai cumil2?sbb org thai mmg cumil?swadikapp...kappp22....

oraite..nnti citer lg..xbyk gmbr nk buh..sbb xtransfer lg..nnti full report akn nyusul...just wait!

nite n sweet dreamz evryone~


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