I just ride the life n striving for the best...!

I just ride the life n striving for the best...!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Inner Inside..

hurmm...tgh dok lepak2..tbe2 terpikir...

kerja is kerja...life is life...how to differentiate with life n work..?
work n life get along together..

lately i'm thinking more bout life..i just reached 25...seeing all my fren da de yg da kawen,da de yg dpt ank..n siap da de dpt ank dua lg...n de yg tgh ngndung dok men2 fbook..perghh..nmpk sweet giler kot..aku tumpg hepy la weh!mgu depan nih bederet2 jemputan kawen ngn jmputan pertunangan..fuhhh...~..baru aku prasan umur aku da meningkat...aku da lyk di panggil pakcik..?bukan abg lagi..huuu~

tgh2 sibuk wat kerja..leh plak bende ni dtg melintas kat kepala aku?bile ko nk kawen naim?hurmmm...bukannye sbb rase jeles or rase iri hati...or rase yg sma waktu dgnnye..tp mmg lumrah manusia..sapela yg xnk disayngi kan?cewah! =P
n aku dok tertanye2..btul ke pe yg aku wat nih..aku kerja smata2 tnpa pikir bende lain..?only work n work!or tu cara aku nk melarikan diri dari sumer nih..

aku rase aku ni workaholic(Depends)...n bile da keje susah nk pikir bende lain..tp bile once bende lain aku terpikir time tgh wat keje...mmg aku akn terpikir n pikir bende tu dlm2 abes2...deymlaa....!!kdg2 bende tu yg wat moral aku down sket...hadooii...

ramai2 kwn aku tanye..mane partner ko?aku ngn slumber jwb..ade!dlm peti ais lg...bg sjukk baru leh bwk kuar...mau? hahaha
u noe wut...stiap bende yg berlaku kat kite...each day,past history dis life will make us matured...n i've benn through a lot...all the pain things do scar in the heart for long time...n sumtimes it will hurt u a lot each day...!

ohhh tuhannn...ku mohon kuatkanlah hati ni...pe yg terjadi bukan ats kehendak ku..tp kehendak mu jua...walaupun ku cube mnyibukkan diri dgn kerja...biler terlintas...terase lemahnye diri ini...tuhanku..kau maha pemurah lg maha mengasihani...permudahkanlah urusan ku...kuatkan hatiku..berikanlah yg terbaik untukku...aminnnnn~

tuhan yg timbulkan rase syg..tuhan yg timbulkan rasa cinta..terpulg pd kita mcm mane kita nk putikkan cinta tu...hihi..jiwang la plakkk~

but its true...its time for me to get serious in life..even mmber2 ku yg huha skali ngn aku dulupun da nk bertunang da...siyes..i feel so so touched!mmber yg dok gila2,huha..da getting serious n im happy for him!lagi2 la bile dye mntak aku jd pengapit kawen dye...adooiii....lu wat gua panas la beb...lelaki tetap lelaki..tp hati ni terkeluar gk tmn kdg2....tunjuk xtunjuk je...haishhh~

i really not agree when gals,ckp xgentle man kalo laki xapproach..at certain point,mmg btul...tp..its unfair la nk terus ckp mcm tu..who noe?laki tu xapproach sbb de bende2 yg hlg dye ke nk gtau...kamanla..modern age la skgni...xkisah sape2 approach..kalo da suke..approach je...xdeknye dak laki nk kisah sgt..org kmpung je kisah...haishh~

hurmm..its hard when u like sumbody,but u cannot tell her..u noe u like her..u noe u adore her..but u keep to hide it inside urself...dis one goes to both gals n guys k...becos of certain things,yg wat xterluah bende tu...laki mmg ego...kite syg..tp kite cube xtunjuk rase syg tu...n when kite xtunjuk rase syg tu at the same time we losing her...sbb pe?sbb dat gal xfhm perasaan kite...its hard to show the feelings...

Hurmmm.. " Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.." hurmm...ade btulnye quote ni...

pe2 pun..jgn terburu2...if kite xready,jgn terburu2 carik..sbb yg akn sakitnye..our partner...umur da mningkat..umur da mtg...masing2 bleh berpikir...tgu hati kite da ready..doa byk2..bile da terbukak hati..bile da smbuh luka..barulah kite patut fikir scara serius...akupun byk lg bende xtercapai...my dream car xdpt lg...n aku tgh usahakan utk sumer tu...aminnn..permudhkanla urusanku...aku mau de career yg mantap..kerja yg stabil...aset yg ckup...pemikiran yg matang...n be cool...aku agk gelojoh orgnye...kdg2 nmpk je hepy....tp dlm hati xdek sape yg tau...im trying to show to evryone dat im happy...but inner inside..only god knows.. same2la kite usaha kejar cite2 k... =)

kite berhak dpt yg terbaikk...one lesson learnt!if girl bleh memilih2 n nk yg terbaekk utk dye..pesal lak laki xbley memilih plak?guys shud pilih much cautios...dun be too choosy...bukannye calon xdek...ade jek calon kat luar tu..but the way to pick the calon tu kna btul...slh pilih,xbhgiala korg wehh...huhu~

Hurmmm....once da dpt calon and if u sure she's really the one...i promised that now n forever i'll be your man!n i'll keep my words~ =)

okeh..selamat pengantin baru kwn2...sori tertouching..n sori terjiwang..bukan sng aku nk jiwang kat blog nih...da lame da pendam..i shud share it..bru lega rase...hurmm...next week aku akn kmbli bekrja...even cuti skjp..aku akn manfaaatkan spnuhnye....once again..im gonna miss msia back...hopefully when i come back again,i'll become the better person...insyaAllah....

okai..av a very nice weekend!

(p/s : Some of the greater things in life are unseen thats why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream... )


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