Baru bukak frenster..terjumpe survey ni kat bulletin..lynkan aje..
1. what is your full name?
Mohd Naim B. Ruslan..dr kecik smapai besar org panggil naim...kat utp dak2 silat pgil watta..
2. when is your birthday?
2nd Mei,same ngn david beckham... =P
3. what is your daddy's name?
Ruslan B. Rashid.
4. what is your mum's name?
Radziah Bt Ramli
*Ibu ngn ayhku same2 name mule huruf "R" n name ayh dorg pun huruf "R" gak..
5. How many siblings do you have?
5th the eldest..!25 years old~
6. where do you live?
Kajang, Selangor. but i was born in Merbok,Sg petani kedah..kedah still the best!
7. your favorite color? n cokelat!
8. still studying?
Graduated from UTP!now working..
9. do you have best friends? skg masing2 jauh..
10. do you love them?
kalo aku jwb yes..bunyi mcm gay lak..deym
11. pop or jazz?
12. chicken or beef?
both..xsuke sgt kambing
13. coke or 100plus?
coke kot...cathorade much better than 100plus
14. what brand is your purse?
Thank 4 the gift..calvin klein!
15. how much do you have in your wallet right now?
535 USD +45.70 MANAT+RM150
16. high heels or flats?
Aku slh copy soklan ke nih? BOTH NO!
17.Jeans OR slack??
aku bukan dak skema utk pkai slack..
18. shirt or kemeja?
Depends...dua2 aku pasan aku byk casual kemeja..smlm jumpe kaler!tbe2 terase mau pakai kemeja pink..lantak org nk kate ape~!
19. watch or bangles? on the left n bangles on the right!
20. favourite watch brand?
21. do you have girlfrend?
ramai je kwn2..
22. did you ever kiss her?
i dun kiss my kwn2..
23. facebook or myspce?
wth myspace?knk2 ribena je pakai
24. what is your dream?
Success in future...
Success in business..
wanna be sumbody...
Best son...
gud husband...
gud father...
cute answer huh;)