I just ride the life n striving for the best...!

I just ride the life n striving for the best...!

Monday, January 18, 2010

bELOG Haakkuuu!

Hurmmm..smnjk blk dr paintball..aku xmmblog sgt,kaki msih lg injury..jln agk terhencut2..tp mengatalkan diri gk gi men paintball...so,aku di gelar sbgai penembang tempang....hahahah

siotla korg..xbekla pgil aku cmtu,even aku injure dpun,aku mng tau x?dpt gk mausk semi..kalo xinjured...mau jd juara kat final..

alkisahhnye..team aku terdiri dr 3org pompuan+2org jejaka..jejaka?aku lah jejakan nye bersama seorg lg jejaka gk..so,mule2 tu aku da ckp,aku handicapped..xleh nk larik..jd bekap shooter leh la.
so,aku xmnyimpan hrpn besar..aku gi ni pun sbb pikri aku da byr..rm90 kot..rugi xmen..plus byk aweks2..hahaha

dpt gk aku ke semi final,group stages kitorg xklh..mng sumer..juara kumpulan tuh..wow!u r rawks gall!credit to avi sbb tag team ngn aku...sori la salu wat ko mati kna tembak dulu....(sengaje sbnrnye)hahahha

hurmm..sok keje lg,bos bg aku 3org trainee keje under aku..fuhh!siyes akur ase cam big boss,leh jd project manager la aku pasni...yg dua tu pun xterkontrol..xpe2...i'll prove myself as a leader to u boss!as long nek gji lg..(ouhh civic..cpt2la dkt ngn aku.. =P)

hihi..actually xtau pe nk citer...aku bru tau mmber aku zul,masuk spital nk operate,ingt nk lwt td mase kat opis..tp siyesly bz..byk bende kot td kna wat..ngn miting lg..tp insyaAllah..sok aku dtg lwt ko yek zul...aku selseaikan mslah cinta ko..sbr yekcik zul.

morale of the story,jgnla psg byk2..kang hidup ko gk susah..even de awek ke..pkwe ke..kwn jgn lupe...sbb nnti nshat or pndpt dr kwn2 gk ko pakai nk hidup...ur my besties zuel!aku akn tlg ko..nnti knduri kawen aku,sile bg hadiah tilam vono k?hahaha

oraite...sum pictures to show bout our paintball tourney yesterday,xbyk..tp enjoy gk..lyn beb!

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